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Ministry of Just Transition

We’re accelerating Canada’s clean energy transition while taking care of workers and communities. That starts with holding Big Oil accountable, but we need your help.

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Transition is inevitable. Justice is up to us.

Latest News: Oil and Gas Windfall Profits Tax


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The Ministry of Just Transition isn’t real, but it should be.

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Tell Trudeau and Guilbeault:

Tax Big Oil to Fund a Just Transition

Canada's oil and gas sector is making record profits. Meanwhile, the rest of us struggle with surging prices and more extreme weather. It’s time to make polluters pay their fair share.

We know we can’t trust these companies to direct their record profits into climate solutions. Our government needs to take the decision out of their hands with a Windfall Profits Tax. 

Join thousands of people across the country calling on Justin Trudeau and Steven Guilbeault to tax the excess profits of fossil fuel companies to pay for loss and damage, and fund a just transition to 100% clean energy that puts workers and communities first.

Sign the petition now:

People need relief. Canada's oil and gas sector is making record profits while working people across the country continue to struggle with the rising cost of living. Meanwhile, the climate crisis these companies created is devastating whole communities with supercharged extreme weather.

Climate action must be rooted in justice. That means holding those responsible to account and making them pay their fair share to fix the problem they created. It’s time to tax Big Oil’s excess profits to fund real solutions to the climate crisis that protect communities over corporate profit. 

It’s clear that these companies won’t invest in real climate solutions on their own. Instead, they’re spending this year’s record profits on share buybacks, dividends and executive bonuses. You need to stand up to them. The UK, Spain, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria all made the wise decision to tax excess oil and gas profits earlier this year. Why has your government refused to do the same?

The only way to get at the roots of the climate emergency and skyrocketing inequality before these crises spiral into catastrophe is with a rapid, economy-wide transformation that gets us off fossil fuels for good. You must make polluters pay their fair share. Otherwise, this unprecedented transition and the escalating climate crisis will continue to crush communities and working people across the country.

I urge you to make the fossil fuel companies that caused the climate crisis pay for the surging costs of climate disasters like Hurricane Fiona. Tax Big Oil’s excess profits to fund a Just Transition to 100% clean energy.

Sign the petition now:

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What is the Just Transition?

The Just Transition is our collective undertaking to get Canada off fossil fuels fast while improving everything about how we live: how we move around, feed ourselves, earn a living, and take care of each other. This is not just the work of your government. This is the work of all of us.

We are leaving behind an economy that traps most of us in dead end jobs, while a tiny elite rakes in cartoonish profits. Instead, we are sharing the wealth and protecting the health of people and the planet. We are building a future based on care and repair.

Indigenous Leadership

All of this progress is proceeding in partnership with Indigenous communities who are not only fully consulted, but at the table for the planning and implementation of every single Ministry of Just Transition project. We’re finally making long overdue investments in Indigenous-led initiatives to develop safe housing, ensure clean drinking water for all; and expanding community-owned renewable energy sources. Learn more about our partnerships with Indigenous communities.


We’re following your lead

Two-thirds of Canadians want the federal government to take bolder, faster action to respond to climate change
Abacus Data, 2021
75% agree that the energy transition will benefit us in the long term
Abacus Data, 2021
Majority of oil, gas and coal workers want climate solutions that create green jobs
Iron and Earth, 2021

Ministry Initiatives

We’re making sure the transition to a green economy addresses centuries of deep inequality in access to services and the basic necessities of human life.

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We ended fossil fuel subsidies, stopped the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project, and raised taxes on corporations and the wealthy few to fund the rapid energy transition.

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We made critical investments to retrain and skill up workers from the oil and gas industry and connect them with green jobs in booming green industries as we transition off fossil fuels.

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We made massive investments to safeguard the health of people and the planet by creating millions of green, unionized jobs to ensure no one is left behind in the transition to a green economy that works for all.

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How we got here

“Investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure is moral and economic madness.” These words from UN Secretary General António Guterres, the release of the 2022 IPCC climate reports, and the brutal climate disasters that followed sparked a new wave of pressure from the Canadian public and moved our government to finally take real action on the climate emergency. Now, in the year 2025, we’re close to celebrating the 3 year anniversary of the Ministry of Just Transition!

How are we paying for this?

We’re finally making polluters and wealthy elites pay up. By ending fossil fuel subsidies, enforcing existing laws to make sure fossil fuel companies pay to clean up their messes, and raising taxes on rich individuals and corporations, we have easily closed the revenue gap. Learn more about how we’re making polluters pay.

Is this real?

No, but it should be. To tackle the climate emergency Canada needs to rapidly transition off fossil fuels. This is possible with a big, bold Just Transition Act and a Ministry of Just Transition that will lead the shift to a 100% renewable energy economy while protecting workers and serving communities.

Help us pressure the Trudeau government to deliver the future we deserve.

Sign the Tax Big Oil petition now

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a real government initiative?

No, but it should be. To tackle the climate emergency Canada needs to rapidly transition off fossil fuels. This is possible with a big, bold Just Transition Act and a Ministry of Just Transition that will lead the shift to a 100% renewable energy economy while protecting workers and serving communities.

Who made this site?

This is a satirical project created by the team in Canada. It’s obvious that our political leaders aren’t moving at the pace and scale that the climate emergency demands, this project is our way of showing them what is possible if they acted with courage to deliver the action this moment demands.
